The Plastic Card Printers


Just about everyone has walked into a department store, government office or medical facility and seen an employee with a lanyard around his neck. Lanyards are one of the most common ID badge holders in the industry. You can now even find a beaded lanyard so you can wear that name tag in style. Many companies and organizations have realized that outsourcing their plastic ID cards is not cost-optimized. So, they buy a plastic card printer and start the ID card process in their own office.

Modern technology has given us plastic card printers that will make all those very tiny identification cards that will fit so snugly into a beaded lanyard. Of course those ID cards aren’t just valuable for their good looks. Identity cards are used for many different situations these days. Security has come to the forefront of many businesses and organizations. Unfortunately the days when you could just leave your front door unlocked and car keys are long gone. Times have changed and there are people lurking who are simply up to no good. Concerns about theft, destruction of property, and even violence are real.

You are probably wondering how ID card and plastic card printers can save the world. Identity protection is at the heart of the process. The ability to know who hangs out in your domain is invaluable. A beaded lanyard displaying a quality ID card allows security and management to identify their employees, visitors and those who may attempt to infiltrate their domain. These cards can also be encoded with biometric modules, magnetic stripes and smart chips that will allow various functions to be performed. For example, these cards can be encoded for access control. Only designated cards will allow designated staff to access sensitive areas.

A plastic card printer can also print cards used for employee time management. Employees use these cards to punch in and out and a report is automatically stored for viewing. This is a good way to study employee attendance habits. Plastic cards can also be used as gift cards and rewards cards. Important thing to note is that these plastic cards can be encoded with smart card technology to solve any problem you may have. Furthermore, using a good plastic card printer will save the company money in the long run as it eliminates the need for outsourcing. Fabulous color or monochrome cards can be printed in seconds and rested on a beaded lanyard in moments.

Finding the right plastic card printer for your operation is easy. All you have to decide is whether you want to print on one side or both sides of your plastic card. Then you have to decide whether you want to print in color or monochrome. Beyond that is the matter of how many cards you need to print at a time. There are printers that print faster than others. Of course the faster they print and the more they can do the more it will cost. A simple plastic card printer can make life around the office a lot easier and a lot more profitable.
