There are times in our life when we need to take the help of a law firm to get a side in a case or to get involved in legal proceedings in the court of law. Here are five essential tips that should be kept in mind while doing so:
Firm Size: Many people believe that hiring a high profile law firm will help them get guaranteed and better results. However, the reality is very different. Insurance adjusters are knowledgeable enough not to be swayed by a large law firm. If anything, they are more circumspect, as it is common for large firms to have sophisticated clients with far-reaching legal problems. Keeping this in mind, it is well understandable why a common man like you may be ignored by these huge law firms. On the other hand, in reality, you will get better attention and guidance from a smaller firm.
Research: Doing your own personal research about the lawyer is a practical idea; You can do this by contacting neighbors and acquaintances and asking them which symbol it may be. Contact a lawyer only if they have given some good reviews and you are personally comfortable.
When you approach a small firm lawyer personally, make sure you feel comfortable asking him and her to clear all the possible various doubts you may have. During the discussion, you should try to draw out specific facts such as:
Experience as a lawyer and handling your case: In general, a lawyer should have at least five years of rigorous experience in prosecuting cases in court. Less than five years of experience means the lawyer is not eligible for recruitment.
Determine how many personal injury or insurance etc. cases a lawyer has handled so far. Anything less than 75% is a sign for you to consider hiring a lawyer and seek a really experienced lawyer.
Area of Expertise: Find out what he generally represents positively. If you find that the attorney is completely comfortable addressing companies or corporations, he or she is simply a defense attorney. Move on, he’s not a good choice for you – a plaintiff.
Fees: When you have found the right lawyer who suits your needs, it is time to ascertain the fees he/she charges. Keep in mind, when suing you, if you are found to be the wrongdoer, he can make serious allegations against you for every move he makes. However, if the opposing party is found to be at fault, he may happily accept your case, ready to drop all possible charges, because he knows he is in the forefront. Always discuss terms and conditions and take the fee agreement in black and white. If he declines your request to do so, ignore him and find someone else.