The History of Motorcycles in the Korean War


While motorcycle is taken to be a vehicle on these roads

In these days, its role as a vehicle in warfare is often overlooked. In

The role of the motorcycle is explored in this article in the context of

Korean War and the important role played during it


Motorcycle manufacturers have a long history of moving

plate and delivery when their country needs it. during WWI and

Manufacturers like WWII, Indian, Harley Davidson and Triumph

Provided the Army with machines that were fitted to the Pentagon’s exact specifications. In

In fact, Harley Davidson produced over 90,000 machines for the US.

Army during WWII alone!

At the start of the Korean War (August 1950), there were at least 45 motorcycles.

Destroyed during an unsuccessful attempt to retreat. no, this

It wasn’t the Harleys that were caught – they were

North Korea

Motorcycles captured by the US 25th Division, 3rd Battalion, 5th

Marines. In fact, the newly formed North Korean military (aided and trained

by the Soviets and Chinese) was one of its 90,000 men

Motorcycle Reconnaissance Regiment. However, on this special day,

The motorcycles met their match in the Corsairs that swooned

them with your 20mm guns and rocket attacks.

On the North Korean side, the North Korean Army (NKA) used motorcycles.

equipped with saddlebags []

In encompassing manner. When the NKA captured Seoul in July of 1950, the 12th

Motorcycle Regiment Secures Major Crossroads in Chungju

helped secure the central area and allowed the NKA to capture the city.

On the Allied side, the 17th Motorcycle Regiment assisted with the routing.

The NKA was forced out of Seoul a short time later.

The main shift that took place during the Korean War was

Motorcycle replaced by jeep in US military.

The motorcycle was apparently replaced as the preferred vehicle

difficult terrain. Jeep’s introduction was part of a

Comprehensive program US introduced to replace older vehicles

from WWI (which included motorcycles and sidecars). while the new

Motorcycles were definitely used during the Korean War (as mentioned above),

Jeep replaced it in many areas where it was previously known


maybe the real history of the korean war and the motorcycle is a

Which will not be found by digging or looking in history books

Dry numbers like how many motorcycles were used in this or that

Raid for this or that purpose. real history – human

History can be summed up in the story of Mark Nozzoliello and his Honda

Shadow. This is a picture of Mark’s father Vince.

Vince is a Korean War veteran who

On the battlefield in August of 1950. surprised to see your friend


After being taken out, the youth (then in his 20s) turned to her

first sergeant and clung to him in an almost fetal position, writhing

uncontrollably. Nozolillo himself said that he “just went


When he saw this sight His son took the old photo (published first

in 1955) and airbrushed it into the gas tank of his Honda.

The story here is one of the tragedies of war that we should all

Remember, and the tribute a father paid to his son. that this tribute

airbrush motorcycle was paid on all motorcycle is something

Enthusiastic people can be proud of. it’s a memory that will mark


Every time he rides his bike.
