An Environmental Science Degree: An Investment in the Future


The world is changing faster now than at any time since the last Ice Age 10,000 years ago, and humans are a major cause of that change. It is at least reckless to allow the changes to continue unchecked. Monitoring those changes and being able to convince others that we do or do not do activities that affect the environment will take well-qualified people with relevant environmental science degrees.

It has often been said that the education provided in colleges and universities is a direct response to the job market and the trends within it. If that is the case, then the future for professionals with a degree in environmental science could not be much brighter.

After the industrial and information age, we are rapidly entering the environmental age, where the environment and its characteristics are of paramount importance.

Never before have we, as a society, paid real attention to the environment and many would argue that we still do not pay enough attention. The continuous exploitation of the earth’s natural resources and the continuous production of heat and waste products have caused great damage to the environment.

We live in an age where knowing, understanding and adapting to the environment is no longer an option – it is the only way forward. This age demands qualified professionals, especially those with professional environmental science degrees.

Many allied degrees find their place alongside traditional environmental science degrees. Large business has long been required to comply with safety and industrial security requirements. In industries such as biotechnology, there are many opportunities for disaster due to the nature of the products.

Disaster management and hazardous materials management are areas of study that are in great demand by today’s high technology industries. While often these studies are not broad enough to be offered as a science degree on their own, these courses are often partnered with an environmental science degree as part of a package deal.

For the Environmental Science degree student, this can be an advantage. While pursuing their main course of study, they can obtain qualifications in a number of allied areas. This makes them fully professional and able to enter a wide range of industries when they graduate with their Environmental Science degree.

As a result of long-standing lobbying activities, the United States is home to some of the largest and best-funded environmental groups in the world, and many of the professionals working for these groups have environmental science degrees.

Jobs exist with government bodies, lobbying positions with political groups and corporate organizations, and research positions with foundations and other research organizations. Colleges that offer environmental science degrees have more opportunities in environmental protection departments of major oil companies and even faculty positions. They all offer lucrative positions that professionals with environmental science degrees can hope to secure.

An environmental science degree does not deal with environmental topics alone. Due to the nature of their work, professionals who earn environmental science degrees need to be equipped with related subjects such as compliance, law, criminal justice, and public communications.

The courses of study that ultimately lead to an environmental science degree are varied and interesting. Someone with an environmental science degree can be tasked with protecting our environment, as a result of which we need the best!

If you have a concern about the world we live in or a desire and determination to do something to improve an ever-degrading habitat, then an environmental science degree would be an excellent place to start.

Anyone interested in becoming an environmental professional will typically go for a BS Environmental Science degree before pursuing an MS or PhD in Environmental Studies.

Environmental science degrees are offered at all major colleges and universities in the United States and the Western world. An Environmental Science degree can be undertaken full-time, part-time or by distance learning, so whatever your circumstances, you can make a contribution.
