The Ultimate Guide To Which Debt To Pay Off First To Increase Your Credit Score
Debt is like gaining weight. To many people, an extra treat here and a splurge there don’t seem like real problems.
Over time, though, the pieces and pieces add up and one day they wake up and say, “How did he get there?”
The good news is that it is still not too late. Paying off debt and improving credit score are two of the most common financial goals. Those who get it right can win both goals at the same time.
Below are answers to the most common loan and credit questions, from expert tips to which loan to pay off first to boost your credit score.
How Paying Off Debt Improves Credit Score
Large debts and bad credit often go hand in hand. That’s why it’s great to know that working for one goal will help for another, too.
Improves utilization ratio
One of the many factors that affect a credit score is a person’s credit utilization ratio. This is the percentage of the revolving credit they are using.
Revolving credit is any credit that a person can use over and over again, like a credit card. If a credit card has a limit of $10,000, a person can use the credit, pay it off, then use it again.
For example, this is different from a car loan. If someone gets a $20,000 car loan and pays down $5,000, they can’t use that $5,000 for anything else later.
It is easy for people to calculate their own credit utilization ratio.
First, they need to add the credit limits of all their credit cards. Next, they add up the balances on all those cards. When they divide the total balance by the credit limit, it is their credit utilization percentage.
The goal should be to get a utilization ratio below 30%. However, the less the better. Every dollar of revolving credit that a person pays in will improve their utilization ratio.
sets a record
Another important part of a person’s credit score is their payment record. The reason people have bad credit when they first turn 18 is because lenders have no records to tell whether the teen will pay their bills on time.
Suppose someone takes two years to pay off his loan. have two additional years of reliable payments on their record, which will improve credit score,
Helps debt-to-income ratio
In truth, it does not directly affect the credit score of an individual. However, one of the most common reasons people try to pay off debt and raise their credit score is because they are trying to buy a home. Their debt-to-income ratio plays a big role in their mortgage eligibility.
As might be expected, a debt-to-income ratio calculates the percentage of a person’s monthly income that should go toward debt. This is based on their minimum payments, not the amount they pay.
With some loans, such as credit card debt, the minimum payment goes down as the balance goes down. result is a better debt-to-income ratio,
Which debt should you pay off first to increase your credit score?
It is clear that paying off a loan improves one’s credit score in a number of ways. For most people, however, their debt consists of several types of accounts. Here’s how to prioritise.
bad debt
Credit score does not only look at how much debt a person has but also what kind of debt he has. They may classify accounts into “good debt” and “bad debt.”
Good debt includes mortgages and student loans. Investing in a house or a degree can improve a person’s financial standing in the future, making it possible to be productive with these loans.
On the other hand, bad debt does not have the capacity to improve the financial condition of the person. This includes credit card debt and personal loans. To boost his credit score, a person should focus on bad debt before good debt.
take into account the utilization ratio
For anyone trying to pay off their debt in a way that helps their credit score the most, they should keep their utilization ratio in mind. It is best to pay off their revolving loan first before other loans.
For example, if someone has credit card debt as well as a car loan, they should pay off their credit card debt first.
Tips to Pay off Debt and Increase Credit Score
Even when people know which debts to pay off first, it can be difficult to figure out the next steps. These tips may help.
Higher interest should be a higher priority
As mentioned above, it is important to pay off credit card debt first. However, people who have multiple credit cards should first look at the card with the highest interest rate.
If all credit cards have the same or similar interest rates, it’s best to start with the card with the highest balance. This way, the individual will reduce their largest monthly interest charges from the very beginning.
The Snowball Method Can Help With Motivation
In general, it’s better to pay off the larger and more interest-heavy loans first. However, for some people, it is discouraging that it will take so long to cross a debt off their list.
Those in need of some extra motivation can start with the snowball method instead.
In this method, they keep making minimum payments on all of their accounts but put extra money toward their smallest debt. It’s easier to see progress and stay motivated that way.
Thinking Twice About 0% Interest Cards
A common trick is to pay off high-interest credit card debt. This includes applying for and getting a new credit card with a 0% introductory interest rate. The person transfers their debt to that card so that they don’t pay interest when they make payments.
This is a great tactic if paying off debt is your only priority. However, it may damage the credit score of the individual in the process. For one, adding a new credit card lowers the average age of their accounts, which can hurt their credit scores.
It is also common for people who do this to close a credit card with principal debt. If they do so, it could hurt their credit utilization ratio as the credit limit on the new card is likely to be lower.
better financial position
Money isn’t the only thing needed to pay off debt and increase your credit score. It also requires some research, like knowing which loan to pay off first to raise your credit score. The above mentioned tips can help anyone to meet their financial goals in less time.
For a more practical approach to credit repair, our credit repair specialists can help.