If you pick up a frog and drop it into a shallow pot of warm boiled water, the frog will immediately leap out of the pot and scramble out to safety. However, if you pick up the same frog after a while and then put it in shallow cold water, the frog will not react to it and will sit there comfortably because it is a cold-blooded animal. But, if you use a cold vessel by heating it on a very slow fire, in which the frog is still sitting. The water will eventually rise to 100 degrees. Like any cold-blooded animal, the frog’s body will adapt to the rising heat and adapt the temperature of its blood to the environment. Eventually, when the water reaches boiling point, the frog will die without knowing itself due to acclimatization to the environment.
So, what does personal financing have to do with the frog story? Those who started their career start like a frog in shallow cold water. The money they get till the end of the month is sufficient as their requirement for life is less. But, as your career and salary grow, so do your desires and lifestyle. As you start buying your first car, start buying your first house, start using credit cards, your lifestyle will slowly change but not as fast as your salary will increase. Just like the frog, you may not notice that you have a debt problem because the growth is not sudden. And by the time you realize it, it is too late and you end up with a huge pile of debt.
We have many avenues to achieve financial independence, but most of us choose the path of job security. How can we blame them? The education system was shaped to produce labor and not entrepreneurs. Many people realized that the company they work with starts getting rich, the owner of the company is the one who ultimately benefits and the employees are usually no richer than the first day they started working there . The reality is that the boss is not responsible for making you rich, but his only responsibility is to ensure that you get your salary by the end of the month. It is your responsibility to make sure that in the end you will become rich and not someone else.