Are Lawyers Really Smart? a research study proves it


Over the years, people have told me that lawyers are very smart. However, having been in the business long enough I will say that there are some very smart lawyers, and I would say somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 20%, but not necessarily the rest. You see, there are a lot of lawyers and attorneys out there lying so that they can get more money out of you. Not to mention the fact that it is often the paralegal and other people in the office who are doing most of the work. Of course, instead of getting on my high horse or delving into some lawyer jokes, I’d like to talk to you about some research on this topic.

The Wall Street Journal on August 28, 2012 had an interesting article titled; “Study Shows Why Lawyers Are So Smart” by Sam Fawcett, which appeared in the law blog section, and I have no doubt that a bunch of lawyers were behind this study. The article states that even those who study for the LSAT for only 3 months, or 100 hours, achieve better results on specific parts of the IQ test. An MIT professor of neuroscience thinks the study isn’t so surprising because anytime the brain learns something new or foreign, it creates new pathways, which is about the researchers’ reasoning because it seems cross – There is an increase in brain communication.

Well, no problem, and even though I have little use for lawyers and don’t consider them smart, I also realize that since they live and work in a simulated world, separate from reality, they are completely Working or learning in a new environment. Almost as if we dropped you in a third world country, a village with different customs and different languages, you have to learn your way of living together, and you develop different paths as well.

Now, let me tell you that even computer programmers get smarter and create new cross-brain communication pathways because they are diving into a whole new world. It’s the same with math or music, it seems to be a completely different area. People who commute a lot in New York, or even taxi drivers learning how to get around the city, have also been shown to increase their intelligence levels and create new brain pathways.

So, in conclusion I would say that anyone who has to use their mind for something that is quite foreign to them and a new way of thinking, it will increase their level of intelligence to some extent. If we say it makes them smarter, then so be it. In such a situation, the lawyers are somewhat sensible. In fact I hope you will kindly consider all this and consider it. If you’re a lawyer, I’d be willing to debate the matter intellectually with you, but in this realm, I rule, and you can’t bend the law of nature in your favor. it is what it is.
