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Book Review – Financial Serenity Revisited

Dave Ramsey’s last big book, “The Total Money Makeover,” has been a best seller for several years. This is his best book today. Plus, it’s one of the best books available on personal finance. Prior to that book, the book “Financial Peace” was created as a self-published book. Then, it became a best seller and was revised and revised.

There’s something soothing and calming about the title “Financial Serenity.” Everyone has a financial life – whether good or bad. Everyone (whether they care to admit it) wants peace in their financial life. As noted by Dave Ramsey on an ongoing basis, personal finance is more personal than finance. A lot of emotion (and some logic) comes up when you discuss personal finance.

It seems that most people handle their personal finances the same way they handle everything else in their lives. There are a lot of complications, confusion, even carelessness, indifference, good intentions and other feelings and mixed feelings.

This book addresses many of those issues, especially how money affects our relationships (and how our relationships affect money management). Principles like KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) may sound simple – but they are key to being successful in your personal finances. The principle of simplicity (or KISS) is primarily an issue of dealing with cash and not credit. When we live on cash basis, we do not need to worry about interest rates, finance charges, fees etc. We’ve made it simple to make your life better. As Dave Ramsey would say, we don’t need to worship at the altar of the almighty FICO score. This also applies to co-signing loans. When we co-sign a loan, we are largely taking on the burden of paying off someone else’s debt. By keeping our personal finances simple, we are treating the other person with as much respect as we treat ourselves.

Another key principle the book discusses is the power of contentment. Contentment keeps us from spending on things or stuff we don’t need or even care about. By being satisfied, you will have less stuff you don’t need but more cash. This book discusses this principle in great detail so that you can be successful in your personal finance.

Also, money affects our relationships. It is vital and important not to borrow anything or anyone from friends and family members in particular (and most especially). close relationship; Equally important is not to borrow from that person. Borrowing someone’s money changes the whole dynamic of that relationship.

This is a good book to read on personal finance. When you apply the principles, you’ll find that elusive financial peace.