Should You Pay for a Higher FICO Score?
If you are considering using one of the many credit fixing companies to repair your damaged credit, you need to know that while they are convenient, these companies often do not deliver what they promise. They are also doing something that you can easily do with a small investment of your time.
Three things to check if you use one of these companies
cost of serviceTake a good look at the cost that the company is going to charge you. Many times there are hidden charges like set up fee, credit report fee and administrative fee. These fees are on top of the monthly fee they will charge you to work on your credit report.
customer engagementAny reputed credit fixing company is going to provide you with a contract which will state what they are going to do for you and the cost associated with that service. It should also state what they consider to be successful credit repair. Take a close look at the past because many of these companies consider clearing a negative mark to be success.
service guarantee– Make sure that any company making absurd claims can back it up with a good guarantee that clearly states the terms, costs and expectations that are to be met by them. Often times no guarantee will be given as no one can guarantee this type of service or predict what is going to happen, there are just too many variables to consider!