If you’re interested in repairing your credit, you’ll need to start by examining your personal credit file maintained by each of the major credit reporting bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian). Then, identify any accounts that contain information that could be considered adverse.
The only real way to repair credit in 48 hours is to find adverse scores at the reporting agencies that are false and demand that they be corrected. You will need to write to each agency and state your case along with all relevant proof of payment etc.
Another way to clear credit faster, or at least get the loan you want, is to meet with your lender and work out a plan that gives you a good enough credit “score” to get the loan amount you want. Usually you start by checking the credit agencies and making sure the data is correct. Then you plan how you will approach the task of credit repair.
Start improving today and decide that from this day forward you will have better credit. Credit that will allow you to purchase a new home or product, whatever your goal.
Be sure to check with credit repair companies but do your due diligence. check them out. Ask for references. Check around for pricing and ask them point blank how they will do credit repair in 48 hours.
Credit repair involves getting you detailed information and a step by step solution that will involve three different databases: TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. Be sure to find out what the laws are regarding credit repair agencies. You just need to know what is needed to make them appear to you, etc.
Credit repair services must be willing to provide you with services such as access to your credit report, monitoring your credit status and/or working with the credit bureaus on your behalf. The credit repair company usually cannot perform any services for you (check your state laws) until you sign a written contract and complete a waiting period. The credit repair process is simple enough that almost anyone can do it provided they know the protocols to follow. Getting the results can be the challenging part. That’s because many credit-repair agencies promise more than they deliver.
Long term credit repair is a process, usually not a one shot solution to achieve credit repair in 48 hours. Therefore, trying to repair your credit on your own can be frustrating. Credit repair is best left only to a credit specialist. You can do some of this yourself if you have the time and knowledge, but unless you really know what you’re doing, you won’t have the results that a professional can provide.
Credit repair is all about proving to potential creditors that you are worthy of being offered credit. If you don’t qualify for the credit, you probably won’t get it. Credit repair isn’t about removing the correct information from your credit report. Instead, it is a method commonly used by people who have false and damaging data on their credit reports. Credit repair is currently the fastest growing industry in the country. What better way to make a living than helping others?