After you have determined your birth card based on your birthday using fortune card science, it is time to understand the meaning of each particular birth card. Today we are going to discuss about the suit of your cards. It tells a lot about you and the people you know. I think you will find it fascinating. But as we begin, I want to remind you that most people have another card that is also used to symbolize who they are. This card is called the Planetary Ruler card and it is something that we will not delve into in this article. But your life and personality and personal karma are all a mix of both the energy of your birth card and the planetary ruler card.
But now, knowing your birth card, let’s talk about the four suits and what they tell you about yourself. Each of the four suits is associated with a season of the year and one of the four seasons of life. The correlation is as follows:
spring – heart
summer club
Fall – Diamonds
winter spade
These are also linked to the four elements (water, air, earth and fire) but so many people argue how they correlate that I’m not even going to go into that here. But the meaning of these four suits is very informative and will tell you some important things about yourself.
Heart The heart governs the first period of our lives and the first season of the year—the season of childhood. And those things of childhood which are related to the heart. Family, love, home, relationships, emotions and children all fall within the realm of the heart. People born with Heart birth card are child like in nature. They never really get old, not on the inside. And they usually love children. They are most concerned with and affected by their personal relationships, especially relationships with people in their families. Heart is also the suit of sex and people with heart give it more priority than other suits. In my book, Cards of Your Destiny, you will find your personal yearly spread card that will tell you when and with whom things will happen. Whenever a heart appears there it is telling you something is happening with your relationships. All marriage cards are cards of the heart as well as love relationships, divorce, love triangle and others. The person at heart is searching for perfect love.
club – Clubs govern the period of life after childhood when we are sent to school every day. Clubs control education, communication, both written and oral, our thinking, and all information-centered activities and jobs. Legal matters are also governed by the clubs. The people who are the club are the ‘Students of the Eternal College’. They love to read and learn new things. They thrive on conversation and communication in all forms. To the One Club person, ‘an idea is as good as itself.’ They are also the detail people of the deck. They will notice and find things that other suits don’t. In my book, Cards of Your Destiny, when a Clubs card appears in your Yearly Extension, it can tell you about the state of your communications, a legal matter, plans you have made, academic pursuits, and the general mental state of your being. Will tell The man of clubs is searching for the absolute truth.
diamonds – The diamond represents the harvest season both in the year and in our lives. It is the suit of value and accumulation of value. While Clubs accumulate knowledge, Diamonds prefer money and things. To a diamond, everything has value, including people and relationships. The diamond person is the one who determines this value and in fact, through the accumulation of things and money, the diamond person is seeking their value in the world. All money cards in the Cards of Your Destiny book are diamonds, good and bad. Diamonds are the adults of the deck. Even a diamond child would not like to be treated like a child. And they’ll usually prefer to hang out with kids a little older than themselves. Some of the biggest money people in the world have Diamond cards. The diamond person is searching for self-worth.
scallion leaves Spades is the suit of wisdom and wisdom can only be acquired through experience. Although a club may have a lot of knowledge, by definition, their knowledge is less than wisdom. And everyone in command knows this. These are deck workers. All Workaholic cards are spades and anyone with a spade can be accused of this at one time or another. Spades is also associated with health and wellness issues, a common symptom in the last years of our lives that Spades rules. Not all spades have health problems. But quite a few of them do. A spade person is interested in doing the opposite of what the other suits feel, think or want. Spade children love hanging out with grandparents and people much older because they are basically old souls, even from birth. A Spade person, and seeking self fulfillment through his work.
A good example of how the suits differ would be as follows. Put one person of each suit in a room and show them a big beautiful painting. The following would be typical reactions:
The Heart Person – I get a wonderful feeling from that painting!
The Club Person – I think I understand what the painter was trying to say when they painted that.
Diamond man – how much is it?
Spade Person – I am amazed at the quality of detail that went into making that painting!
It tells about the four suits. You will see how these core meanings work when you look at your friends and family. It’s catchy and fun and you’ll start to appreciate it cards of fortune, you can also take advantage of me free online reading The website uses the same principles when I do card readings for my clients.
My next articles will reveal this technique on how you can predict the future for yourself or someone else based on this same card science.