Personal Finance Tips for You includes twenty-four topics that cover an array of areas. The author states in the introduction “In these economic times it is important to know as much as you can about managing your personal finances.” Some of the areas covered are credit card traps, staying on track to pay your bills, handling your checkbook, gas costs, identity theft, holding onto a retirement plan if you get laid-off from your job. What to do if you get a notice, checking your credit report and talking about finances if you’re planning to get married. These are just a few topics. There are many more.
The first topic covered is don’t fall into the credit card trap, stop yourself before this happens. This is a very important chapter for everyone to read because it is so easy to be so in tough economic times. The author provides several excellent suggestions to help anyone with this problem. It is clearly explained why it is so important for you to pay off credit card debt.
Another important topic covered is how to stay on track to pay my bills on time. The author gives the reader some tips for budgeting and tracking your income and expenses.
How do you survive the high cost of gas? We all know, a while back gas prices kept skyrocketing. The author gives us many tips on how to save money by doing some simple things, like consolidating trips, to name just one hint. There are many tips that I never thought of myself.
How do you establish your credit if you are young and starting a job? Nokita Carter tells you how to do it.
Do you think you can save any money by just saving your change? This is one of the tips created by the author. I can personally attest to this because each day I buy an item, I take the change and add it to an old coffee can. After a few months it fills up a lot. I’m always amazed by the amount I save with my loose change.
I could go on and on with each chapter as there are a lot of good points in this book but I think you get the message and if you buy it and read it yourself you will get the most out of the personal finance tips.
There are many aspects of this book that I really liked. It is written in a language that is very easy to understand. It is not like some other books on finance that require you to keep a dictionary with you while reading. The book is very organized. Each chapter starts with an introduction to explain the topic. Once this is done, the author lists several tips to help the reader accomplish these tasks. Nokita Carter writes this book in a way that makes the reader feel like they have a personal finance expert right alongside them. Personal finance tips for you are recommended for any age. It will be a valuable tool for young people starting their first job. On the other hand, no one is ever too old to find something in this book they don’t know. After reading this book, I learned quite a few tips to help me with my finances. You will find this an excellent resource guide to keep by your side at all times.