When it comes to rentals posted on Craigslist, many of us automatically think of home and apartment rentals. Although you will find these, you will also find garage rentals. Renting a garage from a poster on Craigslist.org sounds cool, but it has advantages and disadvantages. What are they?
The options you have. Do a garage rental search on Craigslist or browse the website and you will find lots of offers. There are one, two or three car garages for rent. Your rental options also vary. Some posters advertise long-term rentals, such as storing the car for the winter. You can also find daily rentals, which is nice if you need a safe, indoor place to get your car repaired.
The garage you never had. Millions of Americans could benefit from having a garage, but they don’t have access to one. Rentals advertised on Craigslist give you the garage you never had. As stated earlier, you can store the car or other accessories for a long time or use the short term rental for do-it-yourself car repairs. If you don’t have a covered building on your property, renting may be your only option.
cheap prices. Many individuals with garages and other covered buildings advertised for rent on Craigslist are homeowners. They are not in the professional rental business, which should translate to cheaper prices. If looking for long-term storage, compare the cost of renting a professional storage facility. If you want to repair your own car, add the cost of the rental to the cost of your auto parts and then compare with a professional auto repair service. Either way, you should save money.
There are some risks. As stated earlier, most of the posters on Craigslist who have garage rentals are home owners. They’re not using it, so they think they can make money off the rental. You will likely have a verbal agreement, not a formal contract as you would with an established storage business. If you can’t install your own padlock, know that the garage owner can break in and access your items at any time. Although most are honest, the risk is always there.
As you can see, there are some risks to renting a garage posted on Craigslist, but the benefits far outweigh it. Whether you need long term or short term rental, easily find garages, storage buildings and sheds on Craigslist.org. Download Craigslist Software to Search Multiple Cities at Once!