With personal debt at an all-time high, many individuals have found themselves overextended and in debt. As their debt mounts, they can’t help but fall more and more behind and their credit score pays the price. If you’re one of the many people who’s had (or still has issues with) your credit in the past, you may want to consider credit repair as a way to get back on track.
Before signing up for a credit repair plan, you should make sure you understand exactly what is involved in repairing your credit score… While a lot of repair agencies are legitimate, some are Those who want to prey on those in need of help and perform services that are both unethical and illegal.
What is it?
Obviously, the goal of credit repair is to improve your credit score and get you back on track financially after past credit problems. A variety of services exist, providing everything from debt counseling and debt negotiation to debt consolidation loans and budgeting advice. When used properly, they can not only help you get caught up on your bills and on the path to a better credit score, but can help you avoid bankruptcy and avoid credit problems in the future.
However, credit repair takes time, and should never be viewed as a “quick fix” for your credit. If an offer claims they can get you new credit right away, it’s not only bogus, but it could get you in legal trouble if you accept it.
common types
As mentioned above, credit repair can take many different forms. Credit counseling services provide assistance with budgeting and repayment of your loans, and advice on simple ways to improve your credit without additional debt. They also often offer debt settlement, which is an agreement with your creditors so that you only have to repay a portion of your principal debt within a specified time frame.
Debt consolidation loans are also used for credit repair purposes, allowing you to take out a loan to pay off outstanding debt and leaving you with one monthly loan payment instead of several separate payments. Budgeting assistance services are also available to help you regain control of your spending and personal finances.
avoid scams
Unfortunately, there will always be unscrupulous individuals who want to make money off people who need help.
Any credit repair service that promises instant results or that simply offers to create a new credit report for you should be avoided… they are really creating a business tax identification number, and any individual One who uses it runs the risk of being charged with fraud and possibly other charges. If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
repair your own credit
Of course, you can start the credit repair process yourself by paying off old debts and establishing and maintaining new lines of credit. Request a copy of your credit report and check it for errors, and then focus on clearing up debts that appear as negative reports.
It may take years for all negative reports to be eliminated, but your credit score will slowly build up automatically by preventing new reports while increasing your positive report.