Assuming that you already have a copy of your annual credit report, you may already have found some errors that should be ironed out. Errors should always be a major concern as they can affect your credit score and possibly also referred to as FICO. You can repair your credit with a little help.
This may sound like a lot of work but it is really easy. The hardest part is actually sitting down to do it. You’ll need to check all three credit bureaus to make sure there aren’t the same errors on all three, but if you only have one credit report, start with that one.
First make a list of any or all errors you find on your personal credit report. These could be in the form of personal information such as date of birth or more likely would be information that you know is not true such as late payments or no payments entered etc. If you think there is a possibility that you may be at fault, check your past history with the creditor in question first.
You want to make sure that you are correct before requesting the removal of any information from your credit report.
You will only send letters to the credit bureau listed on the report, which will be Asperian, Equifax or TransUnion. You don’t want to appear angry in the letter, just be genuine, clear, and businesslike. Just underline the facts – the name of the creditor, the date, and the error(s) or problem(s) you find on the credit report.
Here is a sample letter:
To whom it may concern at Asperian (or other credit bureaus):
I recently received a copy of my credit report and found some errors that I would like to dispute. I am attaching documents to prove the information is incorrect and seek a correction. I value my good standing and good credit history and want to maintain a good credit rating and credit score.
Give the name of the creditor along with the reference date including month, day and year if possible.
The errors I got are:
I am including copies of my payment records (with canceled checks or online payment print-outs or any other documents you have).
I would appreciate any attention you can give to this matter as I want my credit report to be accurate. I’m sure you understand that the credit bureaus should only include information that is accurate in my file.
Thank you for taking a look at my letter and file and hopefully making any necessary corrections so that I can maintain my good credit standing. Please let me know whether my file has been reviewed and what action has been taken. I would also like to send a copy of my revised credit report to the attached address. Thank you.
In addition to your full name shown on the report, include your mailing address, a copy of the report you have, your Social Security number, photocopies of your driver’s license, and other documents such as canceled checks or online payment confirmations.
Make a copy of the letter for yourself and any attachments to the letter. Send the dispute letter by certified mail with ‘return receipt’ requested. Then be sure to get free credit reports from the other two main credit bureaus or reporting agencies to make sure they don’t have the same misinformation. You can get a free instant credit report from the other two online.