PBS Reports On Student Loans – A Leftist Slant Of…


As a conservative or right wing gentleman, I can smell left wing propaganda very easily, and mind you, it is not that hard, considering it is almost everywhere in our society and in our corporations, government and here It has even infiltrated our own families. Yes, everyone has their own point of view (POV) on politics and that’s perfectly acceptable – except for one thing, on the left it’s not actually anyone’s actual POV, it’s just one of the repetitive brain draining mindsets out there. One is false reasoning and propaganda. Let’s take this escalating and out-of-control college student loan crisis that we are in today.

Did you know that nearly 50% of all student loans are in default or a single payment has never been made, with a whopping $1.35 trillion outstanding — yes, that’s right with the “t” — Payments not shown in more than 7 years? We are told, or were told by the Obama administration, that employment is at an all-time high, now just over 4%, so how is anyone not making payments on their student loans, at least to stay afloat? Not even the smallest payouts in the game?

Now then, there’s a YouTube video on the Credit Care Channel: “PBS Looks at the Student Loan Problem,” which is told by Sallie Mae collections workers about paying off their loans before their rent, health care insurance. Or the house payments, and how the borrower didn’t understand that it was a bad idea to do so. 25+ Minute Video Makes Student Loan Borrowers Look Like Victims? What? They are not victims, we taxpayers are in many respects, because we are guaranteeing those loans, not all, but a portion of them.

One estimate was that taxpayers are on the hook for about $108 billion in already defaulted student loans, ouch. What do I think about it? Well, I think PBS, yes, also partially tax-payer funded, is making things worse, and their documentaries on the subject have a very leftist approach following the likes of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, who did the original formally told voters that student loans and free college would be forgiven for everyone in office if they voted him into office.

But, why does PBS make these borrowers out to be victims, they are not, they are owed money, the taxpayer should not bailout this abuse of our system by students, leftists in politics, and students. Academia is also to blame, who know that they claim they care about children, BS they care about their pensions, tenure and leftist politics.

If these colleges taught “financial literacy” along with the other requirements for obtaining a degree, perhaps their students would not be such voracious consumers. Instead academics teach leftist socialism, brainwashing students. Maybe, it’s okay if the college debt crisis debt bomb bubble bursts, no taxpayer bailouts… We have an academic university system partially funded by taxpayers, because tenured professors work for the high and mighty. Do, but hide in academia, never had to make payroll or deal in the free-market.

If you don’t have a problem with the people who allowed this student loan debt bomb to lead to a crisis of epic proportions while the bubble was still forming – then you haven’t been paying attention. Think about it.
