
Prerequisites of a Distributor from Mutual Fund

Distributor from Mutual Fund– We justify the pre-requisites of a distributor by this online mutual fund software called “Dhan e Office” effectively used by more than 2500 CFP & MF advisors across 400+ cities in India. Good portfolio management software makes what once would have been a difficult undertaking, quite simple.

We have selected the software methodology based on the investment concept by an investor to a distributor, because when it comes to a small investment by an investor to him/her from basic investment to higher investment considering the market parameters There is a time to grow, as we have evolved. There are many things in software ranging from small software for distributors to robust mutual fund software. Our software includes the following report classifications-

AUM report differentiation by advisors – If you are dealing with a corporation, need to see the AUM individually as given by the sub brokers as that time advisor wise AUM needs to be hidden from all of us and there is option in our software to view AUM by sub brokers. Use exclusively for firms that are in charge of maintaining confidentiality and security as per client investments managed by sub-brokers.

Historical Transaction Records – Wealth e Office software is used by distributor professionals to view the risk and return characteristics of their client’s portfolios on historical data. There is also Live NAV Updates, Sensex Updates for Equity Funds.

Asset Allocation in Mutual Fund Investments – There is an asset allocation for every investment, it can be equity or debt, there is also a sub-category for this equity and debt category, this detail is not provided by any other vendor on the same page In this Mutual Fund Software for IFA as we provide you and then it reflects to your client. This can be checked for all the clients in one go as the category can be of any type – Diversified, Income, Sector, Balanced and Tax Saving Fund (ELSS).

Report to tell you how you can focus on the non-investing client – as there may be many clients who were with you but are not now or it may be possible that there are some clients who are investing with you but are not in touch with you regularly now the software is there to help you as it gives you the list of your dead clients 0 balance clients, Non SIP, Non MIP and ELSS clients. As their investment chances may increase if you are conversant about the same and the software will give you its excellency with the positive note of the current AUM position as well as the post investment AUM position made by the following clients. List. The advisor has to focus on this and use the current report to demonstrate the portfolio building strategy to an investor so that he/she tries to invest more or at least to keep the money safe and volatile without any redemption Think about starting ELSS investment.

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