real estate photography tips for beginners


Despite the recession, real estate is a billion dollar market in all major developed and developing countries. What do you think is the first thing people look at when they turn around to buy a property? Photos of the property in question will be the answer. Humans respond better to visual stimuli.

Therefore, quality and interesting photography matters a lot and you should take it seriously if you are a property photographer. Why? Because your livelihood depends on it! If you are trying to sell real estate photos to the realtor and they are not worth the dollar that the realtor pays, then your effort goes to waste.

Real Estate Photography Tip #1: Capturing the Best Images

The intention is to sell the property so your photography must definitely attract people who see them. Try to highlight the best features of the house; The features that potential buyers would most like to see. Photography also depends on the nature of the property – residential or commercial. Actually the photographs should showcase your talents and skills. When searching for realtors to view images, sometimes you need to provide samples, so capturing the best images will go a long way in securing the deal.

Real Estate Photography Tip #2: Selling Images

To make a living at this type of photography professionally, give yourself 1-2 years to build up a solid base of clients. You can set up a professional website with your portfolio, current projects (if any), expertise, skills and lots of high-definition clear photos for potential buyers to see. Of course, you need to do a lot of marketing to get clients. Start by researching the area you live in and an area you can easily reach. Contact realtors in the area, show them sample images and if luck is on your side, you’ll be closing your first deal in no time!

Real Estate Photography Tip #3: Getting High Profile Clients

Getting high profile realtor clients who will buy your photos is not easy because there are always better photographers around and your lack of experience in the beginning. So after working with local realtors for a year or two, consider moving up to taking on high profile clients. The pay rate is definitely high but you need to have real skills and knowledge to have an edge over others. Ask yourself the question – what is it about you that sets you apart from other real estate photographers? Once you answer that, build on that aspect for better projects.

Of course, getting high profile clients is not easy. Be prepared for a sample photo shoot as part of a personal sales pitch.
