Causes and Effects of Deficit Financing

[ad_1] As we know, the major sources of public revenue are taxes, fees, prices, special assessments, rates, gifts etc. If during a given period, government expenditure exceeds government revenue and the deficit is met by borrowing, it is called deficit financing or income generation finance. Therefore, to have a significant expansionary effect, a program of … Read more

Let’s Adopt a Forward-Looking Financial Strategy

[ad_1] A visionary financial strategy is comprehensive and all-inclusive. Overall, this type of comprehensive management includes obtaining capital for the business and then how they are spent on the business’s many accomplishments, including statistical data that is examined to help assess the financial health of the business and the latest financial recording is included. Display. … Read more

How to Get Your Business Funded in 2018

[ad_1] Contrary to popular belief, business plans do not generate business funding. True, there are a variety of financing options that require a business plan, but no one invests in a business plan. Investors need a business plan as a document that communicates ideas and information, but they invest in a company, a product, and … Read more

Business English And Its Importance To Business And…

[ad_1] What is Business English? Loosely defined, business English refers to the English language used in international trade or business. It is a specialized field of English language learning and teaching because it is largely attributed to non-native English speakers studying the subject to increase their chances of doing business with companies in English-speaking countries. … Read more

The Competencies of a Business Analyst

[ad_1] Competencies are described as the ability to do a particular activity to prescribed standard. The competencies can be classified into three categories 1. Behaviour Skill and Personal Qualities 1.1 Balanced behaviour 1.2 Leadership 1.3 Problem Solving 1.4 Attention to Details 1.5 Critical Thinking and Analytical Skill 1.6 Flexibility to Manage Situation 1.7 Team working … Read more

Accounting Finance – The Heart of Any Successful…

[ad_1] A well-organized management is at the core of any successful business. Financial accounting is a very important tool for business. Apart from knowing the strategies like bookkeeping, marketing, advertising and production, a good and stable business should also have a competent system for accounting finance. Whether you like it or not, accounting finance is … Read more