Why the Delay With Mass Take-Up of Electric Cars?

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[ad_1] It’s been a few years since many electric saloons started getting great reviews – most notably, of course, the Tesla range. Not only were they producing good performance figures, but things like their range and recharge times indicated they were practical. So, now one need not think of traveling 500 kms in multiple stages … Read more

AC Motors for Electric Cars

[ad_1] Electric cars have been around for a very long time, but the idea of ​​driving one never really caught on with the masses until recently. The difference between an electric car motor and a hybrid is that electric cars are powered exclusively by electricity. Unlike a hybrid which uses a battery and motor to … Read more

How Electric Cars Work

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[ad_1] An electric car, as the name suggests, is a type of vehicle that runs on battery power instead of liquid fuel such as diesel or gasoline. The concept is very old but has gained momentum of late due to factors like the need for green automobiles, cheap means of transportation and sheer innovation. From … Read more

Chevrolet Volt: GM’s New Breed of Electric Cars

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[ad_1] In Detroit: The Chevrolet Volt concept sedan powered by the E-Flex system (GM’s next-generation electric propulsion system) is offering a remarkable design that could eliminate trips to the gas station. The Chevrolet Volt is a battery-powered four-passenger electric vehicle equipped with top-of-the-line Chevy parts and uses a gas engine to create additional power to … Read more

Benefits of Electric Cars

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[ad_1] Electric cars are the new addition to the automobile industry. With the rapid advancement of technology in today’s era, the automobile industry has also laid emphasis on the electric model of the car. Although these are not widely used today, hybrid cars are also available that run on both electricity and gas. The biggest … Read more

How Do Electric Cars Work?

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[ad_1] Most of us must have come across the concept of electric cars. How are they different from gas powered vehicles and how do they work? An electric car is similar to a gas-powered car, except it is powered by batteries instead of gas. Energy from the battery is supplied to the electric motor which … Read more