6 Home Loan Tips Before Applying

[ad_1] Applying for a home loan can be intimidating, especially if you are a first time home buyer. This includes a considerable amount of printed material and liberal preparation. Yet…

Dangers of obituary notice

[ad_1] In the past, an eloquently written obituary published in the local newspaper was the accepted norm. The obituary contained details of the deceased's life, relatives, hobbies, and upcoming funeral…

Identity Theft – Credit Card Skimming

[ad_1] Many people have become aware of the devastating consequences that identity theft can present. According to the latest research by Unisys Security Index, nearly three quarters of their subjects…

A Credit Repair Kit – Worth Ten Dollars?

[ad_1] There are many credit repair kits, manuals, guides, bibles and sometimes plain old books that claim to give you everything you need to repair your credit. While analyzing one…

Check Your Credit Know Your Credit

[ad_1] According to the New York Times (2018), "...more people are checking their credit and are more knowledgeable about how scores work. In a survey about credit scores published this…