v Mastodon

Hyper NFT Review: Is It Legit or Scam? | Who Is Hyper NFT?

Hyper NFT Review – Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) arrived and suddenly everything changed. In the ever-evolving world of crypto of digital assets in general, the Non-Fungible Token is fast becoming the highlight of the Blockchain technologies toolset. The introduction of programmable blockchains lead to the development of a highly complex arsenal of tools like: Smart Contracts, … Read more

Credit Card Debt Settlement Scam!

Credit Card Debt Settlement Scam!

You might have noticed that many companies are advertising services to settle your credit card debt. It’s hard to leave these companies if you watch television or read the newspapers. While the idea of ​​debt settlement sounds great, in reality many of those companies are scam artists. Washington has a law that regulates credit card … Read more