If you want your credit report for free and are looking for places/sites to get one! You have come to the right center for information. Getting an actual credit report for free sounds too good to be true, but there are legitimate companies that offer them at no cost. These companies do not require your credit card number nor do they recommend completing trial offers in order to receive a full report.
1. The Prosper Person-to-Person Lending offers free reports based on data accumulated by Experion. Previously, they also offered a $25 bonus to borrowers or lenders when a loan was approved through them.
2. Washington Mutual Credit Card shows you reports based on data from your TransUnion credit report. They provide FICO scores absolutely free. All you have to do is log in to their account and access the files. Also the data is updated every month. But there is a catch too – if you do not have credit card facility, you will have to sign up for a credit card and then it will affect your credit score. Still, their services and accurate and on time.
3. The e-loan mortgage firm processes reports from Experian Credit Information. The report may not be FICO standard but it is an expert service. However, this company offers this service for free only once and for subsequent credit reports you will have to use their paid credit score products as well. So, use this one chance wisely.
4. Lending Club is similar to Prosper. When you sign up with them through a referral link, you are credited $25. They generate credit reports based on TransUnion credit reports and provide a grade based score rather than a numerical score. You can use the grades to determine the score range. You can also request for additional concise reports such as what interest rate can you get on unsecured loans or how much are others going to charge you? Their services are professional and reliable.