It is a simple fact that if the criteria for any loan application are met, then the chances of getting that loan approved increase a lot. It is only logical, but it is surprising how many applicants for unsecured loans with bad credit prefer to work on it instead of preparing properly to meet the established criteria.
It may seem a bit silly even though a bad credit score is a negative factor in the application process, but it has never been a shot in the dark approach that has seen unsecured loans approved despite bad credit. A carefully structured approach to the ordering of each element of the application is always more successful.
The task of getting unsecured loans with bad credit approved comes down to convincing the lender that their investment is safe. After all, most traditional lenders, such as banks and credit unions, prefer not to take risks when there is even some semblance of doubt. But meeting the prescribed conditions eases their worries.
what the lender wants to see
In general, lenders want to know two things before agreeing to issue an unsecured loan with bad credit: first, the repayment can be made, and on time; And secondly, that the funds be used for what they are proposed for. Both these points are especially important for unsecured loans where lack of collateral increases the risk factor.
This shows that the repayments can be made, and on time, increases the chances of getting an unsecured loan approved despite bad credit. Of course, this comes down to proving that a regular income is being received, and this is done simply by providing a recent pay slip, a photocopy of an employment contract and a bank statement. Any of these items can increase the application for unsecured loans.
The second criteria to match while applying for unsecured loans with bad credit is to show that there is a responsible purpose for the borrowed funds. This is usually not an issue when applying for an auto loan or home loan, as the purpose of the funding is stipulated in the loan agreement.
However, with personal loans – whether unsecured or secured – the money can be used for anything. This may involve going to Las Vegas for the weekend, but it is better to provide proof of more meaningful use than to get an unsecured loan despite bad credit. Therefore, it is better to show that the unsecured loan with bad credit will be used to pay off credit card debt, catch up on late utility bills, or pay for unexpected medical bills.
basic criteria to meet
Of course, there are basic criteria to meet that some applicants choose to overlook. For example, proof of age is required because lenders are not allowed to give not only unsecured loans with bad credit, but any type of loan to people under the age of 18.
Also, proof of citizenship is requested because lenders are reluctant to lend to individuals who are not legally entitled to reside in the US. This is understandable as there is a risk that the applicant may get the unsecured loan approved despite a poor credit score, but then return to his home country without repaying the loan in full.
Personal loans with bad credit are also more likely to be approved if the proof of employment shows that the applicant has a regular job. Self-employed applicants with bad credit may find it more difficult to successfully apply for unsecured loans because the risk of their business failing is an added concern.
For business owners, some collateral may need to be provided, making this a secured loan. However, the fact that the criteria are met in other cases strengthens the application in either case.