Are you looking for “no credit card required” web hosting service? Most web hosting companies require pre-payment by credit card. This can be quite frustrating. Not having a credit card can severely limit your options. There are solutions to this problem.
Find a host that offers 30 day billing.
One option is to look for web hosting companies that offer 30-day billing to small businesses. An example would be Blue Ribbon Web Hosting ( which provides monthly billing to USA based companies. There are other options as well.
Find a free webhost.
There are many web hosting companies that provide free web hosting, of course, if you allow them to run ads on your website. This can be frustrating for a commercial site, as the ads they run will likely be for one of your competitors. You’ll also find that there’s very little flexibility in setting up your website just the way you want. Ads can also annoy your visitors. You won’t really be able to complain about server outages, since you’re not a paying customer. However, if you need a website for your small civilian group or need a website that is not getting a lot of traffic, it will provide web hosting with no credit card required.
You might also consider using one of the many free blog sites available.
Free blog sites aren’t great for business, but if you just want to post your vacation photos or a collection of personal poems, this is certainly a good option. The easiest free blog sites to sign up for are WordPress and Blogger. Free blog sites have WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors built in, so there’s no need to learn anything about website building. With no training required, you can be posting your posts online in minutes. You won’t even need to buy a domain name, as you’ll be assigned a sub-folder for you to use. This makes the URL hard to remember, but it works.
ACH debit is another option for hosting without a credit card.
Some hosting companies will auto-debit your checking account once every month for your web hosting fee. Some people have had a bad experience with the company stopping debiting them after closing their websites, this is not a very good option. There is also a risk of sharing your personal banking information over the Internet with a company you do not know. Always check references before giving you bank information online, or set up a separate account just for that purpose.
PayPal is an alternative to credit cards that will work with many web hosts.
PayPal is the online payment system most people use with eBay. You can fund your PayPal account with your checking account, then have them pay for your web hosting services. If you need web hosting without a credit card, PayPal can be a great solution. The best option for the business is probably direct billing through a vendor credit relationship. For individuals Paypal would be the way to go.