Business Tax Planning


Whether a person runs a corporate house, runs a small business or is self-employed, the end of a financial year takes them to the same destination: paying business tax. This is the time when tax preparation eats up the better hours of the day and it needs to get the balance sheet spic-n-span and it’s a heavy load to bear. This weighting is what people consider the negative part of an equation that is otherwise fine, but if business tax planning is done up front, fine wine and Chopin playing on your mind can take the pain away!

  • IRS and Tax Refunds

Inevitably, the Internal Revenue Services name pops up when a tax refund is involved and your attorney will walk you through the specifics, but then again, do you know about telephone excise tax refunds? TETR, as it’s called, is a one-time payment required on the federal income tax return that refunds all taxes accumulated on long distance calls. This makes paying taxes more affordable and the IRS no longer has to be feared. For more information, the official IRS web site can be of great help.

  • Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Tax Refunds

Some of the questions that taxpayers often ask are:

  • What tax forms are supported in the state where one is operating the business?
  • What are the criteria that need to be met in order to file business tax electronically?
  • Is electronic filing a viable option and can state tax returns be filed without showing a federal tax return?
  • What is the period required for the refund to arrive?
  • Is it possible to pay the dues through Debit/Credit card?

and finally, the worst

  • What Happens If the IRS Rejects a Return Upon Electronic Tax Filing?
  • To find the answer to each of those, a person can pay a tax consultant through their nose; Otherwise, he may be content with paying a meager amount on only half-baked knowledge or may get jacked by blindly trusting a referrer. But then, the paradox being true hope in despair,
