
Businesses large or small should consider using a…

Whether you are a small or large business owner and if you are not using a wireless credit card reader, you may want to consider using this type of system for your company. Setting something up like this can increase your sales, save you time, and cut down on operating costs.

What exactly is a wireless credit card reader? It is a small wireless machine which is very light and can even come in your pocket. They enable you to use credit and debit cards in places that you might not normally be accepted. If you are traveling and meet someone who is interested in the product you sell or the service you offer, you will be able to make that sale instead of losing that sale.

Not only will you save money with a wireless credit card reader, but you don’t need access to any phone lines to be able to use the machine. If you are out of range of a wireless connection, you will still be able to make card transactions because the wireless credit card reader will store the transaction and print a receipt for the customer. You can retrieve transactions from storage on your machine as soon as you are in an area where you are reconnected.

By using the convenience of swiping on your machine, you not only save money on transactions, but you also reduce the number of ways stolen cards are used.

There are a variety of machines available for your transaction. The first thing you can use for this kind of sale is your laptop. Your laptop can actually turn into a wireless credit card reader. You can actually turn your laptop into a relatively inexpensive card reader by purchasing the right software and swiper. Your laptop must have a WiFi or wireless broadband connection.

The Spectra Creon is one of the least expensive terminals out there, although it may be the cheapest, it doesn’t lose any convenience with the low price tag. It has store and forward facilities with its own printer as well as a large display for transactions as well as a web based manager that allows you to view all your transactions from the terminal and print reports.

The Verifone Nurit 8020 is a very good wireless credit card reader that has everything that the Spectra offers plus it has a signing display and can print a receipt with the signature, it has the ability to program hot keys, Has a built in smart card facility, a PIN pad and rechargeable battery.

You can also turn your Blackberry or Motorola cell phone into a wireless credit card reader by uploading the epnMobile program. If your phone has Bluetooth, you can use the Bluetooth Swiper to turn your phone into a complete card reading system. The software is easily installed on the phone making your phone even more versatile.

The Way Systems MTT is a wireless terminal that has the same features as all the others, but it has a built-in swiping feature that makes this tiny terminal much more compact than some others.

While you’re trying to decide which one will be best for you, you can always try signing up for any of their free 30-day trials before making a final decision.

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