
Debt-Proof Your Christmas by Mary Hunt – Personal…

Late Thanksgiving Day has recently joined Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday as part of the early shopping frenzy for the holidays. As November begins, holiday advertisements already begin appearing online, on television, and in print.

Before getting caught up in the commercialism of the season, take a time to remember the true meaning of the holidays. They represent a time of rest, contemplation and enjoyment.

Personal finance author Mary Hunt strikes an excellent balance between meaning and goods in her book “Debt-Proof Your Christmas,” which grew from her own story of taking on holiday shopping debt more than 20 years ago.

Hunt acknowledges that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to celebrating the holidays, as she shows readers how to celebrate Christmas entirely on cash and avoid bills come January. Gift giving, holiday entertaining and home decorating are just some of the many topics she covers.

It is important that you prepare and plan for the holidays to avoid accumulating seasonal debt. The best separator time to stop being emotionally drawn into the holidays is time. “While you are not emotionally involved is the time when you can think most rationally.”

Hunt’s notable holiday ideas include:

attitude. “How you celebrate and pay for the Christmas holiday is completely in your control if you so choose,” says Hunt.

Bravery. You may be single, a childless couple, or financially incapacitated, and may be part of a large family, expected to buy gifts for each relative. The solution is to develop the courage to give as you wish, not because of guilt or expectation. Spend what you can afford on what you want, not what others say you should. Be creative with gift giving.

cash in envelope, Determine the amount you want to spend on each gift recipient and put that cash in an envelope. When the money runs out it’s over and buying gifts for that person is over.

Use cash and you’ll become a more disciplined shopper, driven to find the best deals.

gift card. The growth in gift card giving in recent years prompts Hunt to emphasize that they are not the same as cash, but are, instead, specific store credits subject to that store’s rules and policies. Hunt’s gift-card giving advice includes:

  • Give a gift card when it’s at the top of the recipient’s wish list, not at your convenience.

  • Realize that many gift cards begin to lose value as soon as six months after activation.

  • Avoid giving gift cards to children, as they tend to be very abstract. Give cash instead.

outlet store. The outlets have developed their own kind of commercial experience which requires intelligent shopping. Hunt’s outlet shopping tips include:

  • Wait for the big sale. Outlets follow the same schedule as regular stores, with the best bargains during major holidays.

  • Ask sales associates whether the merchandise is first quality, name brand, or a lesser quality made specifically for the outlet.

  • Inquire about the out-of-season merchandise stocked in the back of the store, available at insanely low prices.

Family Traditions. Traditions assure families that even in uncertain times, in the midst of a changing world, there are things they can count on to remain the same.

A suggested tradition is to collect twenty-four books for the holiday that align with your family’s values ​​and beliefs. Wrap up books, and starting December 1st, let your kids choose and open a book before bedtime and then read it together.

Hunt polled readers for their favorite holiday books (Christmas and Hanukkah) and created a list of the twenty-four most popular titles.

Hunt’s website readers share their inspiring stories of how they personalized their holiday celebrations.

One family started a memory box, encouraging members to share thoughts about the past year and hopes for the future during the holidays. Every Christmas Eve relatives open the box and consider their previous entries.

Debt-Proof Your Christmas includes a wealth of websites that enhance the holiday, including an organization that distributes gifts to children in desperate circumstances around the world, and a no-frills site that takes you to police stolen property cells. Allows bidding on unclaimed items. station.

Hunt gives advice on tipping and charitable contributions for the holidays. “Most reputable charities spend no more than twenty-five cents out of every dollar donated for administrative costs.”

If you’re inspired by affirmations, Hunt offers nine to help you avoid holiday debt, including, “I’ll look forward to December 26, when I want to wake up knowing that Christmas is paid for in full.” Has gone.”

Debt-Free Your Christmas will reign as your year-round reference for achieving a meaningful, debt-free holiday season. Discover Hunt’s tips now to boost your ability to experience a completely cashless Christmas this year.

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