Getting out of debt isn’t easy, especially when you don’t have a plan or idea.
What should be your course of action? Below are some tips that you can use
Help yourself get out of debt.
Rate your loans
Collect all your credit card and loan details. list how many
What you owe to each creditor, and the interest rate. organize your list with
Highest interest loan on top. These are the bills you want to pay first.
Paying high interest charges is like throwing money away… a waste!
** All mortgages and car loans should be at the bottom of your list. These
The loans have longer terms and lower interest rates than most other loans and loans
Get a copy of your credit report
Your best bet is to purchase a 3-in-1 credit report. reports like this
Listing your information as reported by the most comprehensive, available, three
Major credit reporting agencies. This will allow you to determine whether
Any loan you are unaware of. Plus, you’ll be able to spot any
Outstanding or overdue accounts that need to be current. Besides, your
Credit reports will identify any incorrect information, including errors and/or outdated
Information know what
Process to remove errors from credit report,
Know what your budget is
Since you have a total amount owed, you will need to calculate what you owe
You can afford as your payment towards your loan every month. To do this, set
How much is your salary after tax? then you have to sum your total
Expenses including your daily living expenses like gas, food, etc. subtract
All these expenses from your net income. the result is the total amount of your
Can spend towards monthly loan payment.
put together a payment schedule
Since you have successfully analyzed your loan and calculated what you can
To contribute towards your loan payment every month, you will now
Need to create a payment schedule. See the example below…and then use
your own number.
– Monthly Net Salary (Earnings After Taxes) $4,500
– Minimum required loan payment – $1,500
– Monthly Expenses/Cost of Living – $1000
– Amount available to repay the loan: $2000
This formula should be used every month till your loan is cleared. As
As mentioned, pay off the loans with the highest interest rates first.
negotiate with your creditors
You should contact your creditors and try to get them to give you more
Favorable rates and terms. Very likely they will lose your interest
rates and even reduce the total amount you owe! no harm at all
In asking!
Transfer a high interest credit card to a low rate card
Research the various credit card offers. it is quite possible that you
will be able to find a card that not only has a low interest rate, but also a
0% introductory for 6-12 months. This means that not only will you save
Money by paying a lower interest rate on your loan, you don’t have to make any payments
Interest for the first 6-12 months of card membership!
Homeowners should take advantage of the equity in their home
There are a wide variety of mortgage products that are designed to help
Homeowners close out their loans. For example, you can use the cash-out
refinance. This means, you refinance your existing mortgage for more than you
owe. The extra cash received is to be used to repay the loan. or, apply for
an equity loan. This type of loan allows you to borrow against your value.
be consistent
In order to meet your goals, you need to stick to your plan! This is right
For not making your expected payment for a month, but something else is happening
to be harmful
Getting out of debt takes a strong mind and intense commitment
My. However, it is very rewarding mentally and financially! why pay someone else
To do something that you can accomplish on your own!
When Using Do-It-Yourself Debt Elimination Tactics, Try and Not
Take any additional loan!