You can’t hide. Every year, if you work and earn a living, you must prepare and file a tax return for the IRS. In addition, depending on your state of residence, you prepare and file state tax returns. Just think… If HR Block or Liberty Tax didn’t exist, who would you turn to to prepare and file your tax return? Plus, how do you choose the right tax preparer? In the tax preparation industry, you often think about the following:
- Is the tax preparer a crook and trying to defraud me?
- How do I know they know what they are doing?
- Will they disappear after tax season and leave me high and dry?
In this article, you’ll find 3 solid and practical tips to help you choose the right tax preparer. Use these 3 tips to reduce your stress and fear. Be assured that your selection not only has your best interests in mind, but will also help you legally reduce your tax bill.
1. Does he/she have a current PTIN?
PTIN or ‘Professional Tax Preparer Identification Number’ is a number that the IRS gives every year to people who collect money for paying taxes. This number is important because you must be approved by the IRS. every year to get a. This annual approval process ensures that preparers don’t run into any issues with the IRS. You can check the current status of someone’s PTIN by visiting the IRS website and searching for “PTIN” in the search box.
2. Ask about their level of tax experience
This tip is really important. Having an existing PTIN is one thing, but what good is it if you don’t know what you’re doing? Ask about past experiences with clients, job history, or even dealing with the IRS. At a minimum, you want to work with someone who has completed a few tax sessions at one of the retail tax franchises such as HR Block or Liberty Tax. Or Some certificate or credential obtained based on years of experience or passing an exam. Another way to screen for tax experience is to ask about specific tax questions you are curious about or have had problems with in the past. They should give you a concise and specific response with relevant tax references.
3. What type of practice does he conduct?
Lastly, and please don’t overlook this tip. Ask about the type of tax practice he operates. It’s okay to work with people who don’t have a dedicated office or suite just for practice. In today’s marketplace, technology has not only changed the way tax preparers work, but it has also changed the way tax preparers work. Most preparation services are conducted virtually. This does not excuse the lack of orderliness, professionalism and accuracy of tax returns. Regardless of where or how the preparer operates, you can have peace of mind when it comes to getting returns processed correctly, on time and at a reasonable cost; the level of customer service received with an expectation of prompt follow-up; and the ability to contact them when needed during and after tax season.