
Insurance USA News – Lead Poisoning: Your Health, Your Insurance Coverage

It was not that long ago when the water crisis in Flint, Michigan took place and residents worried about the lead content. For years, home and property owners and managers, as well as mortgage companies have known about lead risks.

Recent studies about the metal exposure in many parts of the country have raised significant questions.

What is lead poisoning?

This form of toxic poisoning can happen when a perilous level of lead enters the body. Incidentally, small amounts of lead are not good for you, either, and can cause serious health concerns, particular in kids under six years of age.

Where does lead come from?

Lead problems typically originate from lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust. Older houses and buildings are problematic in regard to this. Lead can also be found in polluted air and water and soil. Those working with batteries, apartment or office building renovation may also be at risk, as are auto repair people.

How does one this form of poisoning?

All it may take to reduce low levels of lead poisoning is avoiding spots where lead is contained. Patients who suffer from a high level of lead poisoning may need to undergo a treatment called chelation. Family physicians are the best source of guidance in this matter. Of course, avoiding contact with lead sources is the best antidote in the first place.

How does one prevent lead poisoning?

Here are several everyday tips that help residents prevent exposure to lead poisoning.

• After turning on the cold water, let it run for a minute or so before using.
• Wash hands before eating, bed time, and after playing outside
• Sanitize toys regularly.
• Mop all floors on a regular basis. Wipe furnishings and clean surfaces with a damp cloth to maintain a dust-free atmosphere
• Train family members to remove shoes prior to coming inside
• Plant grass over soil patches.
• Plant grass over bare outdoor soil patches, covering sand boxes after playtime
• Eat wholesome meals three times a day.
• Avoid toys, remedies, cosmetics and hair dyes that may contain lead.

What about Property Insurance? Does it Cover Lead Poisoning?

This type of metal poisoning is a controversial topic for most insurance companies – especially when it comes to older homes, buildings and property. Generally, home and property owners must hire a special inspector to confirm that lead is not a known problem before a provider will sell related coverage.

More information about lead poisoning as it relates to property insurance can be learned from an independent insurance agency that is experienced in all areas of real estate.

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