
Retirement Planning With Property

Retirement planning with properties is easy when done right.

Let me ask you…have you ever been on a holiday and noticed that there are basically two types of holiday makers?

The first type is similar to what I used to be years ago:

The person who sees where the money is being spent and counts the holidays from the first day before going back to work.

Do you do this too?

I did and it used to drive me crazy, as soon as I started enjoying my vacation it was time to go back to work.

Now the other type of person is the one who goes on a vacation without taking care of what it is going to cost or how long the vacation is going to be, which has the flexibility to change

Spontaneous plans (for example, deciding on the spur of the moment to go to another holiday resort).

Why can’t we all be like this?

Wouldn’t you agree that if we work all our lives then we deserve to live that lifestyle? We deserve to enjoy our golden years by doing the things we want to do and be financially secure enough to live life to the fullest.

We can, but you need to set it up.

please also remember

Property investing is not a get rich scheme

Which means you have to start setting it up now and not tomorrow as we all know we put things off and after a year or two deliberately, we don’t take steps thinking about it Curse yourself.

I remember when I started out as an apprentice motor mechanic in the early 80’s there were some older guys who were retiring and everyone was saying how lucky they were to have retired.

Do you remember the big deal in the early years,

Everyone Used to Get “The Gold Watch”

But you know what? No one even considered what was actually happening to these retired employees, there was going to be less cash flow because they were about to go on pension.

Most people work their entire lives, sometimes starting as young as 15 and working until age 65 (a working life span of 50 years).

Generally, when people reach retirement age the house is paid for, they have raised and educated children and done everything in their power to provide for the family.

But oddly enough, finally, if we look at the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures:

86.6% of Australians who retire by the age of 65 will survive on an income stream of just under $16,000 a year!

That’s only $320 a week to run the household, pay all the bills, buy gifts for the grandchildren, buy clothes, and more. I know it’s not enough to live a decent lifestyle – my mom (72 years old) experiences it everyday.

So how do we work our whole lives and still end up with so little money?

Easy, because we are only taught how to get a job, pay our taxes, buy a house, raise a family and that’s it.

No one ever said- “Wait, you better start working smarter and do some retirement planning and start leveraging yourself for the future!”

So how can we change all that?

How can we start working smartly so that we can be financially secure and free with a running income or alternatively become financially independent at a young age?

What I am about to show you has been used by the wealthy and others in the property sector for many years. it’s really nothing new

Did you know that investors use their investment assets to pay for their children’s school education using this method that I am about to share with you?

Like my daughter Gyorgem, I’ve had investment properties pay for her private schooling.

First- Let me state how it is: If you have a home loan with a Line of Credit (LOC), can’t you use the credit directly from the LOC to buy a car, vacations, etc.?

But, it is your home and you would prefer to pay it off sooner rather than incurring a loan, right?

Well, what if you had a property investment portfolio of around a million dollars? Let me tell you, it is not at all difficult to do this at today’s prices, a million dollars in property investment is not really that much, once you have made your first investment, the second one is not too far away.

So if your portfolio is hypothetically growing at 7% per year, that means you have equity growth of about $70,000 per year, right?

I will also tell you that as you probably know, property does not go up at a straight angle but if we look at it over the years it is an average of capital appreciation.

Then why can’t we borrow it from the bank and use it for our lifestyle? And if we borrow from the bank, it is not income, so do we pay tax on it?

No! Because it’s tax free! It’s a loan, not income!

Are we starting to work smarter, not harder?

This is theoretically, because we all know that assets don’t grow.

7% every year. It can grow by 15% in one year and next couple

It may have been flat over the years, but on an average, if we look at it over the long term, the asset has proved itself time and again.

Just remember, this way it also depends on how much you owe to the bank (rental returns and expenses). But if you hold the asset for a longer period then it is very much possible and easily achievable.

In my personal appointments I go over this and show you how it is all possible, even for someone who has a low income, but remember you will need to access equity. If you don’t own the house, you can use someone else’s house for a few years until the investment grows into equity and then you can release the security asset.

My oldest client was 64 and self-employed when he bought his first investment property, so never say you’re too old or too late.

As I said earlier, we can never change the time.

Too many people waste time finding excuses to push their financial assets aside or leave it for another day which unfortunately never comes.

true fact-

do you know we spend more time writing shopping

What do we do for our entire future compared to planning a to do list or a two week vacation?

Isn’t it a shame?

Think about it and decide to start working on your future now. Work on what you want and need so that you have something to help you by the time you are retired, because if you do it right, retirement planning with assets will help you get there. Will do

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wish you all success,

Dino F Livanidis,



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