Social Media Tips for B2B Insurance Agencies


Building a strong social media presence can be challenging for B2B (business to business) insurance agencies. Many B2B companies struggle to showcase their professionalism, and build an audience through social media marketing. Consider the following tips to help ensure that your agency is maximizing your social media marketing efforts.

Build your online persona

Your social media presence should have a well-defined personality. Informative, helpful, engaging, timely and relevant are all characteristics for top B2B social media accounts to consider when building your online persona. Decide what your online voice will sound like. Will you be formal or informal, speaking to individuals or businesses, sounding like a reporter or op-ed contributor? Will you be sharing company employee events, creating contests, reporting on industry changes or regulations, or all of the above? Your agency’s goal is to create rapport and a sense of community with both clients and prospects. But first you need to determine your social media persona.

Create a Written Strategy Including Prospect Scorecard and Buyer Personas

When creating your marketing strategy, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is your target online audience – and how diverse is this group? Start by creating a Prospect Scorecard.
  • Which social platforms would best target that audience? You may have to research different platforms to see which social media platforms are the most suitable for your customers and potential customers.
  • What type of content would the target audience find most useful? Will it be infographics, long-form articles, technical support information, breaking news commentary, regulatory updates, or some combination of all of these?
  • What are your short term and long term social media goals? Perhaps your short-term goal is simply to share content consistently. And your long-term goal includes an advertising budget for growth and potential engagement.
  • How are your competitors using social media? You can learn a lot about what to do and what not to do by studying your competitors.

Comment on news and regulations relevant to your target industries

Offering commentary on breaking news and changing industry regulations is a great way to showcase your knowledge in your industry and provide your customers with information on how to understand these updates. This can increase the level of engagement and increase the exposure of your social media pages. You can use Google Alerts and Social Media Alerts to monitor industry keywords and stay on top of dynamically changing events.

Organic Vs. paid post

When your insurance agency is posting quality content consistently, you can consider post boosts and ads. You may want guidance on this, as budget can get spent quickly, and multivariate split testing with compelling images and custom graphics can dramatically improve your reach and ROI.

get a respectable follower base

Looking professional and demonstrating a respectable number of followers and engagement level is half the battle when starting your insurance social media marketing initiative. The top platforms your agency should be leveraging are: LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+, probably in that order, although your target market may influence this. LinkedIn and YouTube can be very valuable to B2B businesses. LinkedIn is a good place to start, it’s a business focused platform. Then take advantage of YouTube using videos, recorded webinars or even simple voice over PowerPoint updates. Try to build your follower base to a respectable number as quickly as possible. For example, it could be 500 followers on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Although 5,000 or more would be nice, initially your agency is trying to achieve a baseline of professionalism and credibility.
