Personal loan is basically the money given on credit by the moneylender institution to any customer. Now the repayment terms are decided by the lender after the best personal loan is approved for the customer. Personal loans have various factors that affect approval such as current bills, credit score, income, unsecured loans and the purpose of the loan. All these factors are looked into by the lenders like banks and then the bank loan is sanctioned.
One of the important things to be considered for the loan is the credit score of the recipient. Multiple bills are added and reported in the credit score of the borrower. Living expenses, medical needs and credit card bills are what the bank or any financial institution will consider. If someone has reported bankruptcy against the payee, it will be a problem as it reflects badly in the credit score report. Even your repayment on time is reflected in the same. So by now everyone must have come to know that maintaining credit score is a must.
If your credit score situation is so bad that you are unable to manage everything at the last moment, then other options are also open. Since banks cannot sanction loans for bad credit, you can resort to personal lenders such as people in your own family or people among your friends. But at the end of the day, it will be your responsibility for your image. If you can recover the loans within the promised time, then you are safe otherwise it may hamper your relationship with the person from whom you are borrowing some money for better known purposes. In this case, you will not have to pay the personal loan interest rate.
Unsecured loan is another factor that affects the approval of the loan that you can avail. Well, these types of loans are any loans with interest rates that are always fluctuating. They are very dangerous in nature as they can put you in danger of losing control. This may prevent any lender from receiving his payment in Equated Monthly Installments. Personal loans can also be called as quick loans as they can be availed within 24 hours but before applying for these, it is advised to reduce the unsecured loan as much as possible. This will not only affect your credit score positively but will also reduce your budget every month. It will be easier for you to get your loans approved within time.
If you have asked for a loan, then your living expenses will also come under consideration. These expenses can include food, utilities, gas, insurance and all types of rent you pay such as house rent, garage rent, etc. you and your roommate. Now, if your living expenses exceed your income, it is better to borrow money from someone you know. This is because banks take this as a negative factor while approving personal loans.
The most important thing that you should keep with you when you are applying for the loan is your income statement which will act as an income proof. A minimum proof of income for three months would be required because of other factors such as the length of your employment in the current company, your incentives per month etc. If you have put a part of your income towards emergencies such as financial or medical, banks will consider them as well and then provide you the funds based on personal loan rates.
Lastly, if the amount is small, it may seem small, but these amounts may have the potential to get you deeper into debt than solving your problems. Make a plan of your budget including expenses and savings.