Trade Finance As A Business Development Strategy

[ad_1] Without trade finance, there would be no Indian spices, fabrics, or jewelry in the United States. Or Apple’s iPhones in China, let alone any other international product at any respectable distance from its origin. In fact, according to Investopedia, the World Trade Organization (WTO) estimates that trade finance accounts for 80%-90% of international world … Read more

Role of Banks in International Trade

[ad_1] It is impossible to be in international business without involving your bank for all the services provided by your bank such as advice on financial issues and potential risks. It is true that a significant barrier for SMEs is the lack of information on international business procedures, documentation and banking procedures required to do … Read more

Structured Trade Finance – What does it mean?

[ad_1] Structured trade finance (STF), a type of debt finance, is used as an alternative to traditional lending. This form of finance is regularly used in developing countries, as well as in connection with cross-border transactions. Its purpose is to encourage trade using non-standard security. STF is generally used in high value transactions in bilateral … Read more

Using blockchain technology companies for trade finance

[ad_1] One of the industries most suited for blockchain technology is trade finance. Many of the world’s largest banks are investing time in its research and development. Thanks to a consortium of 71 global financial leaders, R3CEV, much has been uncovered about the potential uses of blockchain technology. Since 2016, R3 has executed several pilot … Read more